Saturday, September 12, 2009


It's been awhile, I know, but I've made my decision.  Before I get to my decision, here's what I've been up to.  There's not a big story or anything.  I've just been researching the surgery options as well as the facilities in the area and the different costs.  The cost didn't vary much from place to place.  $20,000 is the norm.  The couple of places that were a few thousand dollars less didn't have as much follow-up built into the pricing, so I would end up paying in the end anyway.  So, after a lot of online research and a few seminars for different facilities, here's what I've come up with.

I'm getting the vertical sleeve gastrectomy.  Factors that went into my decision include rate of complications, side effects, and necessary follow-up.  The lap band is the least invasive procedure with the lowest probability of complications during or immediately after the surgery, but I've read too many horror stories of longer term complications, with the band slipping or eroding, needing adjustments, fills... not for me.  The gastric bypass has the quickest weight loss, because it's both restrictive and malabsorptive (the sleeve and lap band are restrictive only), but there's a hospital stay involved, and side effects that you don't really consider until you do your research.  You need to take more supplements because you don't absorb most of the nutrients you take in, and there's a higher likelihood of things like hair loss.  Again, not for me.  I think the sleeve gastrectomy is the best option.  It's not without risks, complications, or side effects, but nothing is.  I had to choose what's best for me.

I've also decided where I'm getting it done.  I chose the facility and surgeon based on several factors, including complication statistics, satisfaction of other patients, the out-patient option, and the follow-up included in the cost.  I have my first consultation with the surgeon on Oct. 1st.  Before then I have nutritional and psych evals.  That oughta be interesting, particularly the psych one.  I wonder what types of questions they'll ask.  I guess I'll find out soon enough. 

It's all starting to feel real to me now, and it's exciting.  I never thought I could get excited over something like this, but it's increasingly feeling like the only option.  I've been eating right and exercising pretty regularly for the past month and a half, and I've lost 14 pounds, but that doesn't seem like enough, and my downfall is always impatience.  The surgery will help me to lose the weight faster and keep me from saying "fuck it" and eating a bag of Funyons.

So that's where I am.  I need to talk to my friend about the financing, and he needs to have some questions answered about liability, and I think that's the only thing that could hold this up.  Other than that, the ball is rolling and I'm looking forward to finding the new me.

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