Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Nutritional Assessment

Well, I don't actually know what type of assessment the nutritionist made, but I think I passed.  She mentioned that she would be seeing me a lot in the future, so I'm assuming it's a go. 

The time was pretty evenly split between her asking about my eating habits and letting me know how I will eat after the surgery.  She did a lot of probing to find out if I'm a binge eater.  I am not.  I'm more of a grazer.  That actually ended up being a good thing.  The sleeve surgery doesn't work well for bingers, because they can end up over-stuffing and getting sick or even popping staples if they go too overboard. 

Overall it was both comfortable and horrifying.  We sat at a round table and just talked about eating habits, expectations, willingness to work for it, things like that.  She introduced me to how I would eat after the surgery, what was most important in my post-op diet (protein!), products that will help me to get in all the protein I need, approximate meal size... things like that.  That was the comfortable part.

The horrifying part was weighing and measuring me.  Bleh.  I weighed myself before going, and I've been doing weekly weigh-ins for the past couple of months, so the number wasn't a surprise to me.  I just didn't love sharing that number with someone.  But she is the one who will be tracking my progress after surgery, so she had to know.  Still.  Horrifying.

Surprisingly, when I asked if I should be doing any special diet right now, she said no.  I'll eventually go on a low carb diet for two weeks before my surgery, which is standard to shrink the liver, but before then it was almost like, "Live it up while you can!"  Not really.  She did mention that if I lose weight before the surgery, it makes it easier for the surgeon, but there was no calorie or fat counting program she recommended.

All in all, it was fairly interesting.  I didn't say anything stupid or fall or break the scale, so yay!

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