Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day 3

Today has been an exciting day for me.  The best thing was that I got to take the dressings off of my incisions.  Not so thrilling on its own, but taking the dressings off meant I was allowed to take a shower.  Yay!  That was a nice shower.

I also moved from clear liquids to full liquids.  I was living on water, Crystal Light, and popsicles, so it was nice to be able to drink something that has nutritional value.

The suggested meal plan has six small meals throughout the day.  I'll have to work up to that.  I was able to get to three of them, and I'm still working on the third.  It turns out that a four ounce protein shake takes me about two hours to finish.  Yikes.  It'll improve as I move forward, but there's no way I'll meet my protein needs for the day.  I'll end up with about 45g of protein.  I'm supposed to get at least 60g.  It'll happen eventually, but it doesn't look good for today.

My meals for today have been a protein shake for breakfast, sugar-free pudding thinned with milk for lunch, and another protein shake for dinner.  

I'm not going to hit my goal for liquids today, either.  I'm trying, I really am, but I feel full really quickly, and I'm afraid I'll burst my banana if I try to swallow more.

I still have zero hunger... I don't even have head hunger.  Food commercials do nothing for me.  An hour or so ago, someone tried to deliver a pizza to me (he had the wrong apt.), and I wasn't at all disappointed that I couldn't eat it.  I'm sure eventually it'll come back, but for now I'm loving this lack of appetite and especially the lack of head hunger.  Head hunger is what got me into this mess in the first place.

I went through most of the day without any pain medication.  I wouldn't be a good drug addict at all.  I can't stand the blurred vision that impedes my ability to read.  Yuck.  I did eventually take some, because a couple of my incisions were bothering me.  Beyond that, I do feel a little bit of pain when I bend or twist certain ways, but following the surgeon's order of "if it hurts, don't do it" takes care of that quite nicely.

The other exciting thing from today is that I pooped!  Twice!  The first one was a big surprise, as I hadn't eaten anything in 72 hours, so I didn't think there was anything in there.  The second time was after I'd had a protein shake, so that seemed normal.  I also learned, to no surprise, that liquids in equals liquids out.  Fun!

That was my eventful day.  It may not have been exciting, but the fact that I feel this good two days after surgery is something to celebrate, even if I celebrate by going to bed early.

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